Anti Vibration Flange Mount - Male


Flange Mountings are a simple, low cost, compression mounting, providing good levels of vibration reduction. The mountings are produced with & without an inter-leaf metal. The inter-leaf metal provides increased load capacity.


• Generating Sets

• Pumps

• Fans

• Compressors

• Vibratory Screens

• Processing Equipment etc.


Natural Rubber (NR)

H= Height

L= Flange Length

D= Diameter

G = Thread Size/ Nut Size

CF= Hole Distance

S= Metal Thickness

M/F= Hole Diameter


Article No. H (mm) L (mm) D (mm) G CF (mm) S (mm) M (mm) F (mm) Min Load (daN) Max Load (daN)
BPM 5 M 48 144 88 M12 x 38 112 3 11 11 70 700
BPM 6 M 64 215 124 M20 x 44 180 4 23 18 150 2000